jueves, 23 de julio de 2020


Grade: 7th grade
Duration:30 minutes

This lesson is one example of how you can implement an English dramatization. It fosters collaborative work students’ interaction. In this time, this activity will be adapted based on book about legends of Latin America but it can be adapted to any book students are reading, and that helps students engage in what they are reading.

Learning Goals
§  Practice the irregular verbs
§  Make body movements

Some irregular verbs image

What to do
Irregular Verbs List
§  Teacher present some irregular verbs
§  The class is divided into two groups
§  The first group will choose 5 verbs and the second group other 5 verbs
§  All the members of the second group make the action using body movement according to the verb. And the first group try to guess the verb
§  Then is the turn of the other group to make the activity.

Evaluate (outcomes to look for)
§  Student’s participation
§  Small group collaboration, with all members of the group participating equally

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